[s-cars] IA Exhaust Cam vs. RS2 Exhaust Cam..how do they differ besides price?

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Wed Jul 10 10:24:23 EDT 2002


Sorry Cody, I've never had a set of 7A cam's in hand to compare to either
the stock, both exhaust & intake, AAN cams, or to the RS2 Exhaust.

I've relocated one set of the cam profiles I had run on the both AAN & RS2
exhaust cams, as well as on a set of English Piper Cams that were purported
"custom" built for an AAN engine.  There's another set of Cam Doctor
profiles that were run locally on the cams in Colorado at about the same
time floating around someplace, but I'll be damn if I can find them.

FWIW, run @ 2 years ago on the same piece of equipment, the same day, in
California, but by someone who while knowledgeable, didn't claim to be an
expert" on the nuances of the CAM PRO Plus software etc. produced :

Exhaust	Rptd		Peak			Intake
Cam		Runout	Lift
Stock		.0026		.343			.325
Piper		.0009		.364  +.021"	.335  +.010"
RS2		.0011		.369  +.024"	Not Applicable, use stock .325

The 7A 	?? 		??    +/- ??	Not Known, but some one on the Audifans of 20v
lists may have that information?

I guess that proves one (well, at least me) can't rely on memory alone for

The last caveat I'd offer is I have been told by at least one person who
seems to have a lot of hands on mechanical knowledge & experience, that "Yes
Virginia, while size (i.e. lift) does matter, it is not the sin qua non of
cam performance.  For that you need all those little numbers in between
(degreeing ??) and time at various lifts etc."   I took that to mean that
while "lift" alone may be a gross indicator of performance, it isn't the
only, and in fact may not be the major determinative factor ~as usual, your
mileage (& opinions) will certainly vary.  I think its complicated enough,
that the best and maybe only determinate probably is running the different
profiles in the same engine on a dyno.

Which local tuner & what dyno results are you referring to?

Do you know with which "chips" &/or in what state of tune the "comparative"
dyno run(s) were made to come up with the "more torque" claim?  If it was
done on a dyno, is there a number &/or chart that quantifies and illustrates
how much "more" is?

Finally, if dropping in a 7A exhaust is such a good idea, why not the
"matched" 7A intake as well?

I've heard speculation there maybe some difference, or differences in
"overlap" &/or duration between the cams at different points in lift as


~-----Original Message-----
~From: Cody Payne [mailto:Cody.Payne at bconnected.com]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 12:45 PM
~	What is the history of the 7A Cam vs. the RS2?  I spoke
~with a local tuner here in Colorado and he said on the Dyno that
~the 7A produces more torque then the RS2.

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