[s-cars] Re: front speaker upgrade
jeff posto
jpostup at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 10 19:20:30 EDT 2002
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I spent a significant career chunk in audio and enjoyed working at Mark Lev=
inson Audio many years back. They are also our customer here at ADI, So her=
e's my 2 cents.
It's true the Bose system is a tough upgrade in that you have to decide wha=
t your end goal is.
Read, how much do you wann a spend big guy!
Loud and clear rock N roll, or The Purist route.
What is custom about Bose is that they use low cost drivers, and then apply=
heavy active equalization to compensate for the driver deficiencies. Low c=
ost drivers will have a whacky frequency response in general, not flat, so =
by boosting the low end, you get some bass. Sure you have to be careful abo=
ut impedance in any amp/speaker situation. If the speaker impedance is too =
low, (like 2 Ohms) you have to devise an amplifier that can drive it. I can=
not confirm Tim's comment about Bose proprietary impedance being low. Tim a=
ctually moved in the right direction with adding an amplifier and dedicated=
6X9's in the read deck.
(psst Ohmage is an electricians sparky term, say impedance!)
You should be safe if the loudspeaker driver impedance is typically 4 Ohms,=
no less.
If you plug on any speaker, you just can't predict nor control what it actu=
ally sounds like. That same Bose EQ will come rolling at those new drivers,=
and sound, like it sounds.
But if you're a purist, you'll want to control the system EQ and apply it t=
o develop a sound stage that is stereo, 5.1 or whatever. A purist would mea=
sure the hell out of the system and tune it precisely. Junk that Bose Head =
End, re-wire with low loss cable, gold connectors, yadda yadda.
But hey, we're talking about rolling cars, with road noise, exhaust tone, t=
urbo spool wind,etc. Loud and clear is the practical thing to achieve. Use =
your ears to tune it how you like it, and keep the audiophiles in the perso=
nal home theater!
A pair of MB Quart's up front will definitely be better than 4" Bose driver=
s=2E You'll get, whatever EQ that Bose signal path produces. This can be me=
asured easily to see how crispy those highs would be, and where the midrang=
e ends up. CD's are available to drive the cabin and the measurement is per=
formed with an audio freq spectrum analyzer.
that's all I want to write tonight.
Take care.
Tim Sexton <5kcstq at codenet.net> wrote: I took apart the rear Bose enclosu=
res and replaced the speakers with aftermarket Pioneer TSA6999 6x9's. I mou=
nted a Kenwood 200w amp in the trunk.
I don't think you can use aftermarket 6x9's to replace the Bose 6x9's becau=
se the Bose amps run a proprietary ohmage to the speakers.
It's kind of an all or nothing proposition in the Bose system cars. I will =
say that replacing the entire system is a huge PITA, but the results are
worth it.
Talk to you later,
Tim Sexton
Cody Payne wrote:
> What about rear replacements? Can I just remove the old Bose speakers whi=
ch are "blown" and replace with aftermarket without changing deck and/or am=
> Thx
> cp
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Sexton [mailto:5kcstq at codenet.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 1:23 PM
> To: RTOMLINS at vermontlaw.edu; s-car-list
> Subject: [s-cars] Re: front speaker upgrade
> Hi Ray,
> I installed 5.25 components in the front doors of my 94 S4. I didn't need=
an adapter ring, I just made some brackets
> that came with the component set. It really wasn't that difficult, and th=
e results are phenomenal.
> HTH,
> Tim Sexton
> 94 S4
> 87 5kcstq
> 86 4kcsq
> Hi gang,
> I'm designing my stereo install, and quickly pulled the driver's front
> door to survey mounting options for something other than the stock 4"
> sparkomatics, er, Bose units. I love the nice foam tweeter installed
> behind the stock tweeter grille location. Very impressive - must be
> some fancy infrared design that I am unfamiliar with. The phase and
> alignment are truly in harmony.
> Two quick questions. For those who have uprated the front 4" speakers
> to a 5.25" in the stock location . . .
> 1. Did you use the MB Quart adaptor ring made for the A4's, and, if
> so
> 2. What is the MB Quart part number?
> Ok, make that 3 questions:
> 3. Has anyone installed a 6.5" in the door below the armrest without
> compromising too much of the impact support or using a spacer, or
> otherwise build a pod?
> Tanks.
> Ray Tomlinson
> 95.5 S6
> Vermont!
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