[s-cars] stereos, fast cars, inadequacy, and Fat Bastard's titties (Warning: adult content)

Raymond H. Tomlinson RTOMLINS at vermontlaw.edu
Thu Jul 11 14:45:12 EDT 2002

I've learned to embrace my inadequacy, as illustrated by my inability to
adequately compensate therefor:

MTM stage 1, but stock turbo, IC & exhaust
Bilstein Sprints & H&R's, when I really need adjustable coilovers, rear
bar and smaller front bar
BIRA III, with stock rear brakes
Valentine 1, just as I leave VT and move to Boston

Oh, and since I can only dream of owning Levinson's and claiming to be
a purist, and owe no "ohmage" to any brand . . .

Bose sucks.  And, I'd like to give 'em the finger, but I'm working on
improving my anger management skills.

Instead, the next time you feel like giving someone the finger, give
'em a little Fat Bastard tittie rub instead.

Ray Tomlinson

>>> jeff posto <jpostup at yahoo.com> 07/11/02 06:51AM >>>

I am laughing out loud! Thanks for the morning wakeup. No I am not
defending Bose, just being too diplomatic about what I write.
I can see now why you replied..
If I didn't have suspension, tires, rims in the $$ queue, I would
follow your path and junk the Bose.
My problem is, I am a purist, so if I can't take it to the Nine's, then
I don't want to start.
And swapping out speaker drivers is just a tease, and not really a
sound solution

  TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote: Jeff,
I don't understand how, coming from Levinson, that you sound like
defending Bose. If you're not, I apologize, but your post sounded like
thought the Bose wasn't so bad...

I think my POV is quite clear- Bose is junk, deserves to be extricated
the car ASAP and replaced with a "conventional" system unless you
care how your car stereo sounds. Problem with my approach is that it
costly very quickly- I think I have over $1.5k in my stereo and it's
lacking a sub and needs some further tuning.


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