[s-cars] RE: '95 //S6 for sale!!
Norman Davis
Davisn at FirstInterBank.com
Thu Jul 18 12:01:32 EDT 2002
Yes folks he has lost his mind, Paul now works Road & Track editorial
....sweeping the track and parking the fine cars just to get a _F_L_O_G_ G
ING from cars he can't afford.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Krasusky
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:50 AM
> To: 's-car-list'
> Cc: 'chinutz'; 'curl boss'; 'jeff'; 'jimmaaaaay'; 'lips'; 'marky mark';
> 'penis'; 'Quattroslut Molester'; 'rick springfiled'; 'Rogbro'; 'stocks';
> Daniel Longo; Norman Davis; Paul Krasusky
> Subject: '95 //S6 for sale!!
> Yes, you got it folks. My beloved '95 //S6 is for sale. First
> $110,000.00 takes it...
> OK, so now my post is //S related (and long too!)...
> Last night became a milestone in life, the night my bud brought over his
> very own '95 for me to drive... yes folks, the '95 F355 Spyder.
> OMF'NG!!!!!!!! Simply put... ga----GNAR---LYYYY!!!!!! Along with the
> sale of my //S6, my soul also happens to be for sale as well.
> MUUuuuWAAAaaaaHAAaahHAhahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> It isn't everyday that someone let's you sit in their supercar, let alone
> DRIVE IT. Needless to say I made myself available regardless of
> obligations. Heck, a nukewar wouldn't have deterred me. My wife somehow
> understood my 11:30 p.m. return...
> Again, this is a silver '95 six speed, black top, and stunning red gut.
> Red against silver is a striking combo. 7,200 miles. Oh, and it didn't
> suck that my other idiot bud's were strangely magnetized to my house for
> the meeting with the now-broken-in '02 ///M3 and a '92 500E... like bug's
> to a zapper (just for you, Joe Pizzo!).
> Starting her up begins a tumultuous idle, almost sounds similar to a car
> with a "Turbo Timer" equipped to rev it above idle for a brief period,
> lumbering @ 1,000 with an idle suggesting total calamity. And loud
> As the car was up to temperature when I pulled out, driving it was
> surprisingly easy. No fussy clutch. No temperamental idle. Nothing.
> Rowing 1st through third @ 9:00 at night with the top down on a back
> country road is utterly indescribable. I was getting to know the car, so
> shifts were clean, smooth, and speeds were slow. The 2 other idiots
> followed me in their cars to the highway, like The Pied Piper leading a
> flock of fools, just to get a listen to the V8 @ WOT and get a shot at
> 'foolin around' with us.
> That's right. I didn't just get to 'drive' the F355.
> Nope.
> I got to _F_L_O_G_ that Evil Italian Bitchtemptress and give her the
> slapping she'd begged for, yeah baby YEAH!
> Piloting such a machine is beyond amazing. The car is unmistakably
> docile, tractable, and extremely non-invasive / intrusive for normal
> everyday driving. This surprised me, my //S6 and my previous ///M5 left
> me SORE all over after a good 'workout', much more brutal. The Italian is
> more akin to donning your casual Armani and going for a refreshing
> cocktail.
> Steering feel is telepathic, expected in a car mit no motor over the
> fronts. Braking is downright outrageous, yet almost uneventful. Much
> different pedal feel than any 911 I've driven or my //S mit 993 cal's.
> Throttle response is as sharp as you'd anticipate, and matching rev's for
> downshifts and hustling the mid engine around the on-ramp made me feel
> like Shumacher. OK, not quite.
> The power curve is extremely linear down low, with constant steady surge,
> all the while the top down allows the motor behind you to talk dirty in
> your ears. This is up and until 6,500, whereby freakin' Clash of the
> Titans begins. The sound from 6,500 to 8,500 is simply giggleinducing. I
> shudder just thinking of it.
> The 3 of us toyed around for a few a good stretch of 84, and picked up 384
> where you've got to go under and through 2 sets of longish bridges, on a
> nice flat sweeping left. Downshift 5th brapbraaap, 4th,
> BraBRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa through both 'tunnels'. WOW. That needs to be
> said again. WOW. I found myself randomly giggling like a school girl.
> Playing cat 'n mouse with the M3 and 500E was beyond fun, each taking
> turns to blow the others' skirt WAY up as we streaked by.
> On the way home there is an exit which contains a one-laner, old-style
> brownstone tunnel, with a stop @ each end for one car to go through at a
> time. He instructed me to stop, confirm no cars, and just riiiiiPPPP
> through it in 1st. I tell you this. 8,500 RPMs of fine Italian
> cacophonous WAIL enshrouds you then penetrates you to the core in a way
> not much else could manage. They should sell that as a sound track. That
> would be great, to go along with a cologne made from the fine aroma
> fuming from the 4 pipes. We could call it a 'gift set'...
> I told Brian he'd have to pry my cold dead hands off the wheel, but
> realistically it was getting late, the speeds were, er, well, and my fun
> would soon end. He assured me "the car's not going anywhere", meaning
> maybe, just maybe, there could be a repeat occurrence in my future? Even
> if not, that's with me for life. I encourage you to befriend an owner
> local to you this morning, now, and do the same, heheheheheheheheheheh...
> Paulie like. Paulie want. Paulie going insane at the thought...
> -Paul who had major issues before which are now officially considered
> CLINICAL Krasusky
> CT
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