[s-cars] MTM issues, etc.

Peter Anderson panderso at maine.rr.com
Thu Jul 18 16:40:22 EDT 2002

I just received my "package" back from Hoppen.  I did not find any such card
/instructions Ed.  Hmmmmmm?   I did get a little plastic bin with my
original chips and transducer tho.  I'll hook it back up this evening and
take a test drive for "goose noises" and fluttering.

Peter Anderson
93 S4 6speed
Now wondering about WG spring tension

On 07/18/02 3:18 PM, "Paul Krasusky" <KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com> wrote:

> Hey Ed!  Great to hear you're enjoying your new 'toy'....
> Hmmm...  must say, some of what you're experiencing I too believe happens to
> my '95.  I had posted a while back about that with no response, the needle
> fluttering @ 22 psi, etc.  Though, I don't get the 'kicked goose' sound,
> that sounds more BPV related I'd think.  I was told the flutter (and
> associated noise) was the WG bleeding off pressure.
> I am VERY curious to hear the opinion on THAT matter.  Should we screw down
> the spring a few turns?  Any negative ramifications?  Any thoughts on this
> greatly appreciated...
> As you've seen from my, er, 3x occurrences, blowing hoses came RIGHT after
> MTM install.  Good thing Samco GP is not far away.  I 'think' it's too late
> to get in on this one though.  I'd either start another or just buy your
> own.  Guaranteed to fail my friend!  Hope not!
> -Paul K.
> CT
> '95 //S6 NOT sounding like a goosefart as it's kicked
> '58 TR3A resurrected from storage this week!  Whoo hooo!
> --original message--
> Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 05:22:41 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Ed Walsh <rundeep_32 at yahoo.com>
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] GP   MTM 1+ report
> I could break out the dictionary and throw down some
> of the longest adjectives available for the new
> performance of my S4... but that wouldn=92t be doing the
> upgrade any justice...  The car is now PHAT!  I really
> see how easy it is for you big-mod guys to justify
> spending more and more and more!  Simply intoxicating.
> A couple of comments:
> - When I received the ECU from Hoppen (with cool red
> MTM sticker in the box), I noticed they sent along a
> plastic wrapped card.  On one side of the card, there
> is a picture of the intake plumbing.  Highlighted are
> the crossover/intercooler hose and the turbo/crossover
> hose.  A note recommends their replacement with Samco
> hoses.
> Q:  Is it too late to get on the Samco GP?
> - On the other side of the same card, there is a
> picture of the wastegate with instructions to pull off
> the cap and turn down the wastegate screw by 6
> revolutions. ??? I thought the list consensus was that
> this was taboo?  I think I am going to do it for 2
> reasons.  1) I think Hoppen/MTM wouldn=92t recommend it
> unless it was needed with the upgrade.  2) When I am
> at max boost, the boost gauge flutters rapidly (10
> cycles a second) around the 22-PSI mark.  The boost
> flutter is not a sensation felt on the butt dyno, just
> seen on the gauge.  My thought is the wastegate, at
> its stock spring preload, can=92t handle the extra PSI.
> Q:  Will turning down the screw reduce/eliminate the
> boost flutter?
> - Finally, at MTM=92s higher boost levels, the intake
> track really makes a weird noise.  The steady sound
> emanates from the intercooler area and sounds like a
> kicked goose or a dull dentist drill.  Hard to
> describe.
> Q:  Is that sound from a hi-pressure only leak in the
> xover/intercooler hose?  My old 92 w/MTM 1+ (with
> screwed down w/g) didn=92t do this.  Could a leak in the
> hose account for the boost fluttering as mentioned
> above?
> Thanks again to Chris for putting this all together!
> Ed

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