[s-cars] MTM issues, etc.

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 18 16:57:09 EDT 2002

My 1st experience with ECU upgrades was a MTM 1+
through Anderson.  Service was good (sent my a modded
box, then I sent my stock box to him.  = no down time)

Installed the ECU around X-Mas time and it was cold
here in MA.  Car was fast and ran fine (though it
sometimes pinged, which I am told should not have

Then the summer came, and as the weather warmed, bad
things happened.  The car would just randomly die.
And die fast.  Like someone threw the key out of the
window.  Not fun under any condition.  This happened
to me at least 10 times.  Usually, if you could wait
10-15 minutes, the car would restart and run fine
again.  Later in the summer, as the weather furthered
warmed, the car wouldn't re-start until the next day.

I for the life of me couldn't figure out what was
wrong.  Nor could the list.  Nor could the dealer.  It
was immensely frustrating.  Anderson said it was no
fault of theirs.  Dealer suspected the ECU had gotten
wet.  I was getting stuck on the highway in rush hour.
 I was towed numerous times.  Late for meetings.  etc,

After about a month, I ended up sending the ECU back
to Anderson for an evaluation.  Diagnosis:  poor
workmanship.  There was a cold solder joint on one of
the sockets they installed.  They re-soldered the
socket and the car had no more problems.

The diagnosis of this took much time and $$.  So all
you GPers, Good luck and keep this in mind.


--- Paul Krasusky <KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com>
> Whooops, forgot to add a few thoughts about Hoppen:
> I did not receive anything in my Hoppen box back in
> March.  Nice.  No
> supergofast stickers for 'ole Paulie...
> I DID receive a 'working' ECU however.  My friend
> Brian (Mr. F355s)
> unfortunately did NOT, as of yesterday.  He'd sent
> it down non-GP for an RS2
> upgrade, as his turbo and manifold were just put in
> the day prior.  Plugged
> in newly chipped ECU...  nothing.  Car will not run.
>  This is the 2nd time
> they've done this to him, the 1st was in April when
> he'd initially sent his
> ECU to them.  Same thing, had to send it back.  Talk
> about sh*tty customer
> service too, he says (a topic we've all heard
> before...  I, however, had OK
> service for mine).  They're over nighting him new
> 'sockets' for him to do,
> himself.  Nice.
> Hope you GP'ers don't have the same misfortune!
> Paul "not posting this to re-ignite the MTM vs. IA
> flame" Krasusky
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Anderson [mailto:panderso at maine.rr.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 3:40 PM
> To: Paul Krasusky; 's-car-list'; Ed Walsh
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] MTM issues, etc.
> I just received my "package" back from Hoppen.  I
> did not find any such card
> /instructions Ed.  Hmmmmmm?   I did get a little
> plastic bin with my
> original chips and transducer tho.  I'll hook it
> back up this evening and
> take a test drive for "goose noises" and fluttering.
> --
> Peter Anderson
> 93 S4 6speed
> Now wondering about WG spring tension

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