[s-cars] Transmission and Rear Diff. fluid

Robert Pastore rpastore at animalfeeds.com
Thu Jul 25 16:39:33 EDT 2002

Mike wrote: "last I looked I was runnín some kindá pink stuff down there" P.

>>>>>>>>>Sounds like Redline Shockproof.  That's what I run in my car.

The only caution I can think of in filling the transmission, is that it
takes some time ( like hours) for the fluid to find it's way from the filler
hole in the front of the transmission through the different case sections,
all the way to the rear of the transmission.   For this reason, It might be
filled to the drain plug, but not Full. You must make sure you add as much
oil as you drain, or wait an hour or so to let the fluid level off before
buttoning it back up.


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