[s-cars] mmmm... hummer... arghghahahaghahghahaghaahhhh...

Frederic L'Huillier flhuillier at siebel.com
Mon Jul 29 10:22:30 EDT 2002

They do, I agree.
Michelin had to developp specific tire only for this car. I think they are
called Scorpion.


-----Original Message-----
From: t44tq at mindspring.com [mailto:t44tq at mindspring.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 5:42 PM
To: 'Frederic L'Huillier'; 'Paul Krasusky'; 's-car-list'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] mmmm... hummer... arghghahahaghahghahaghaahhhh...

But they sure look neat, don't they?

6000lb. trucks with 15" wheels don't have a lot of space to put brakes


-----Original Message-----
From: Frederic L'Huillier [mailto:flhuillier at siebel.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 11:28 AM
To: 't44tq at mindspring.com'; 'Paul Krasusky'; 's-car-list'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] mmmm... hummer... arghghahahaghahghahaghaahhhh...

LM002, now we are talking about extrem unreliability. I heard some
interesting stories about Italian citizens having their passports
"blocked" in Saoudi Arabia until the damn car was running as promessed
!!!!! This car is suppose to hold the record in term of time between you
press the brakes pedal and the car is stopped I have this picture in
mind of an LM002 side by side with a Fiat 500 at a stop light on Champs
Elysees !!!!


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