[s-cars] RS2 Conversion and Taboo Question...

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Mon Jul 29 12:57:19 EDT 2002

	Had a few questions for you pros out there.  I am nearing the point where I am going to do the RS2 conversion on my 1992 UrS4.  However wanted to see what the general sentiment is with the T3/K26 Garrett Hybrids vs. the KKK RS2 Turbo?  I am looking for quick spool up and mid-top end HP increases.  Also wondering about the 7A Exhaust cam vs. the RS2 cam vs. the IA...maybe a way to increase low-end torque of the engine will getting more mid-top end via upgraded turbo.

Any thoughts here?

Thanks Guys


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