[s-cars] Those french people !!!!

Frederic L'Huillier flhuillier at siebel.com
Tue Jul 30 10:18:56 EDT 2002

Well, let's say 3 american miles equal 1 french kilometer in term of driving
skills !!!!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Myers [mailto:robert at s-cars.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 6:12 PM
To: Frederic L'Huillier
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Those french people !!!!


Some of us across the pond have you beat.  Twice we convoyed 2/3 of the way
across North America to attend the Pike's Peak hillclimb near Colorado
Springs, Colorado.  Some of our group travelled better than 2,000 miles one
way and drove in convoy for nearly 3 days.

At 11:51 AM 7/30/02, you wrote:

>If some are complaining about the time it takes to drive to an Audi event,
>french people (and a S6 Plus) are about to set a record in that category.
>are leaving thursday afternoon Paris for a journey to Norway to attend a
>huge scandinavian Audi annual meeting. The club there has 5000 members. The
>estimated length is 1800 kilometers one way and it should takes us 1 and
>half day to go there. Amazingly, We don't know the exact location where is
>happening the meeting. Anyway the program as of now is:
>Friday evening: Barbecue - Cognac
>Saturday: Track Sessions
>Sunday morning: Concours d'Elegance
>Sunday afternoon: Track sessions
>Some amazing audi cars will be at the meeting.
>It will be for us an opportunity to meet again Joern, the owner of the
>MTM 100 S4 Avant  (pictures are available on Dahlback web site) that came
>France for our annual meeting at Folembray in Sept 2001.
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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