[s-cars] S4 Emissions Failure/also Bypass Valves

Frank Amoroso fjamoroso at webtv.net
Sat Jun 1 17:10:04 EDT 2002

I forget the brand name that they have come up with (check the current
EC), but New Dimensions has one that they are pretty proud of.

I'd try that one next (used to live minutes from ND and I have always
been impressed with them) if my Forge ever needed replacing. Happy with
the Forge though, a very nice unit indeed.

Frank at s-cars.org

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To: "'Kaklikian, Gary'" <Gary.Kaklikian at hp.com>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: [s-cars] S4 Emissions Failure/also Bypass Valves
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Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 12:30:16 -0400

I think you can't go wrong w/ Forge or Bailey, forget
about TAP.


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