[s-cars] radio, air vent removal?

Jacobson, Steven F (Steve) stevejacobson at avaya.com
Fri Jun 7 09:30:57 EDT 2002

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Hello All,

I'm looking for instructions on how to remove the radio and center console =
air vents from my '92 100CS.

I've heard the air  vents are "pulled" out with tools that can be made from=
 stiff wire - is that the correct removal method? Any special instructions,=
 other than pull hard?

To remove the radio, do I need a special Audi tool? - I seem to remember se=
eing that somewhere - can I make a substitute?

Any BDTD will be a big help. I'm ready to go looking behind the center cons=
ole for the airbag controller 2x2 connector in my ongoing quest to reset th=
e dash airbag warning lamp. I purchased VAG-COM and want to give it a try.

Thanks in advance.
Steve Jacobson
'93 S4
'92 100CS

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