[s-cars] New '91 200TQW

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at waratap.com
Tue Jun 11 14:24:06 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Freed, David (Exchange)" <dfreed at bear.com>
To: "'S Car List'" <S-Car-List at AudiFans.com>
Cc: "'Pat Freed'" <PatMc317 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: [s-cars] New '91 200TQW

....  Lago blue (I think Lago is the dark
> blue) with Gray leather and an MTM chip.  An almost perfect body and
> interior.


Congratulations!  Actually, Lago blue is a lighter blue (see my website --
more like a teal/gray).  The really dark blue is indigo pearl blue -- right,

I'll look for the front license plate mount (not necessary in Michigan).

Don't have the Bilstein P/N on me.

Check Chris Miller's comprehensive 200q20v website under repairs:

In addition, you may want to joint the 200q20v list on Audifans as well.

'91 200q20v...Slightly modified
'83 Urquattro
('90 v8q RIP)

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