[s-cars] the infamous fuel smell...

Jim Bonnet jimbo at sysdump.com
Wed Jun 12 11:21:01 EDT 2002

abiglizard at att.net wrote:
> hey guys,
> i've got a 97s6 and i noticed a gas smell the other day
> in a drive through.  ambient temp was 98F.  so i took
> the car home and looked for any signs or leaking fuel
> and saw nothing.  so i've been driving other vehicles
> for the last couple of days then drove the s6 last night
> and noticed the smell again, but couldn't see anything.
> i'm aware of the fuel hose issues, but thought that the
> fuel hose cracks (problems) usually strike the s-cars
> when it gets colder.
> also, from what i remember, when others have noticed the
> fuel smell it seems the leak was very obvious.  does
> this sound like the same fuel line problem?  did the
> 97's have the same problems with the fuel line or were
> they improved by that time?  or are there other ideas
> for me to look into?
> any help is appreciated.
> thanks,
> Kenny

I can't help you with what a 97 looks like fuel line wise, but I can
tell you that my car leaked on a warm day and it was VERY unapparent
until I pushed on the know troubled return line and then fuel erupted
from it all over the place. DOH!


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