[s-cars] Current Confirmation list for ECU software GP and I.A. VS MTM

TM t44tq at mindspring.com
Sat Jun 15 21:01:29 EDT 2002

According to a recent email posted to the list, Ned is saving the
3 bar sensors for people going beyond his Stage III, as Bosch pressure
are in very short supply.

It may be that MTM has some left, I do not know.

Also, there are other options for pressure transducers, although they
may not
be as elegant as the Bosch solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Murray (LMC) [mailto:James.Murray at ericsson.ca]
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:36 AM
To: 'TM'; 'chris chambers'; 'Scar'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Current Confirmation list for ECU software GP and

Does anyone know what software IA use? Is it there own or do they use
Lehmann. Who sells Lehmann S/W?

I guess I would want to know why IA doesn't include the 3-Bar sensor
while MTM at least does if they are equal power outputs. At least with
the MTM you have the option for more powerful S/W upgrade later on since
they provide the 3-Bar sensor...

Cheers, /James.

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	TM [SMTP:t44tq at mindspring.com]
	Sent:	June 15, 2002 11:20 AM
	To:	'chris chambers'; 'Scar'
	Subject:	RE: [s-cars] Current Confirmation list for ECU
software GP and I.A. VS MTM

	Why are you all so set on getting the MTM software? My drive of
	MTM software was not all that impressive. Igor Kessel has
	it as "binary," a characterization supported by several others.

	IMHO, Lehmann and IA software has a much more progressive power
	that simply feels much better and generally is more refined with
	power outputs.


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