[s-cars] RE: Le Mans Results 2002

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 16 22:41:16 EDT 2002

--- Chander Balakrishnan <balakrishnan3 at attbi.com> wrote:
> As much as I have enjoyed the Audi dominance over the last 3 years, I wish
> it was in the face of competition from the types of Porsches, BMW, MB in the
> class in which Audi has been competing.  The victories would be that much
> sweeter..

agreed.  i was hoping cadillac would do better.  the audi juggernaut is
impressive, but getting a little boring.  the first three places went
to audi - four if you consider that the bentley is built on the previous
R8 design.


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