[s-cars] MTM, IA, or whatever

Bogas Bogas urs4green93 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 17 17:17:43 EDT 2002

so we have heard from a number of people with the MTM Chip but is there
anyone with the IA chip that could comment? Please?

>From: Paul Krasusky <KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com>
>To: 's-car-list' <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Subject: [s-cars] MTM, IA, or whatever
>Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:20:02 -0400
>Fine a.m. to you all-
>While I probably agree with Taka and others' description of the MTM having
>'binary' feel to the power, either on or off, I rather enjoy it.  It took
>some adjustments to driving style that were easily accommodated, but it's
>soooooo worth it, to me that is.  Nothing (to me) like the feel of that
>instant and absolute violent rush of power.
>I have a local CT friend who got his '94 from Anderson with the Lehman
>chipset, I've been MEANING to drive down 91S here and see him.  Maybe lunch
>today, for a back to back 'seat-o-da-pants' comparison, and I'll post my
>I think many here have summed it up well.  MTM, IA, Lehman, NO TAP, you're
>not going to go wrong.  But it depends what YOU individually are aspiring
>to.  Want smooth?  Don't go MTM.  We'll all have a 'mine is better'
>once and a while, I think we all know how to sort from the clutter of info
>we've seen, some of it is very credible (go Bob P.).
>In the FWIW department, my wholesaler friend just shipped his ECU back to
>Hoppen for upgrade as he's just ordered the RS2 turbo and EM (no cam, MAF
>injectors).  Bastard.  Anyway, the S/W upgrade is free he says...
>Paul "loving my binary S car" in CT
>S-CAR-List mailing list
>S-CAR-List at audifans.com

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