[s-cars] IA vs MTM

Chris Covington malth at umich.edu
Wed Jun 19 11:53:36 EDT 2002


I'm just asking for some numbers to back up the 3 Bar comments, that's
all.  I know some people thought it "felt" better but I'd like to see some
actual results.


On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, TM wrote:

> Chris-
> You obviously don't listen too well to those who are knowledgeable on
> the topic.
> The Bosch 3 bar sensor is no longer produced and existing stocks are
> held
> by MTM and a bunch by Ned. That's it. If you find sensors elsewhere,
> you're
> lucky. Bosch does _NOT_ have any more.
> As for why the 3 bar sensor is desirable in an AAN, READ the posts and
> maybe you'll get it.
> I don't understand why you're trying to stir things up w/ idle
> speculation
> that is completely unfounded. I'm done.
> Taka
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