[s-cars] NE //S Fest update 6/20 & S-CAR Nationals

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 20 15:58:46 EDT 2002

--- Darin Nederhoff <editor at s-cars.org> wrote:
> Theodore Chen wrote:
> > i think the problem is that the event is in minnesota.  the US is a
> > pretty big place.  driving to minnesota or new jersey is not an option
> > for many people.  i'd happily go if it were closer.
> True, the U.S. is a big place and that is why I chose to put the event on in
> MN this year.  Sort of in the middle of the country.
> For the event last year in CO it was a bit too far west for those of you in
> the east.

i stated that poorly.  the overall problem isn't that the event is in
minnesota, but that the US is such a large place.  i don't think you can
pick any one venue that will get everybody to attend.  and for me, minnesota
is a problem - definitely not within easy driving distance from california.

> The Nationals event is just that... NATIONAL.  Yes, it is a long drive but
> get a
> few people together to make the trip and you've got a mini Monterey Historics
> convoy happening.  This is the one time each year that I do my best to get as
> many of you together in one place as possible.   Next year the event will
> move
> east, west, or perhaps to Canada (Southern Ont.).  Regardless of where it is,
> I
> plan to drive out to attend.  It is part of the experience!  ;-)    If you
> absolutely cannot drive then fly in.  We can probably arrange to have you
> picked up at the airport and get you someone to ride with during the weekend.

i thought about that, but it'd be hard for me to be there and not have my
car.  especially with the track you're getting.  it's like watching
somebody eating ice cream and not being able to eat it yourself.  :)

are there rental S4s out there?  or maybe i can rent a race car for the
track day.

> I think regional events are great too but having one "grand shin-dig" once a
> year for anyone in the country (or world) to attend is a blast when people
> get behind it.

i agree.  we all appreciate the amount of effort you're putting into it.
maybe we should have several regional events at once, and then use
videoconferencing to tie them together.  :)


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