[s-cars] misc.
Paul Krasusky
KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Fri Jun 21 15:37:34 EDT 2002
Just returning from lunch, was over saying 'hey' to my local wholesale chap.
Now, I've heard of some early model year cars getting previous MY car parts,
and later MY cars getting newer MY parts. Has anyone ever run into this?
OK, I'm sure you have, just thought it was an interesting Friday topic to
discuss. OK, maybe it's not, but I don't care.
Just saw a 4/95 S6 with chrome bezeled gauges. But not the ebrake handle
button. Also, same car, had rear door speakers, a mid and tweeter each.
I'm jealous! I'd love to have both those goodies. Ah, but they're simply
Martha Steward upgrades in this man's pocket book.
In the FYI dept, this CT wholesaler has the following for sale (NO
affiliation, just passing info along to those interested):
'95 //S6 ~ 135k, silver / black (the car referenced above). Was filthy from
sitting @ a dealer for a while, and it will need a few minor things (that he
may or may not replace), like headlight lens, front spoiler black plastic
inserts, headlight washer nozzle head, etc. Goofy crap like that. RF CD
changer, said to be a strong car.
'95 //S6 ~ 145k (it might be vice versa), black / ecru (I think). Didn't
see, car is said to be immaculate.
I think he's looking for somewhere around the $13k range for each.
FWIW, he still has the 95.5 S6 Avant, silver / black, 66k (or something like
all that) FS that I'd posted earlier on. A lister called the PO and told me
the PO said FR was hit. My wholesaler says BS and called the PO. The PO
admitted to making up the story when he found out it's selling for ~ $22k
and he only got beans for it on trade, so he was disgruntled. Whatever,
just passing the word along.
Oh well, off soon to an appt. with Dr. Martini, smell you all later.
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