[s-cars] Advice for X-country trip

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Sat Jun 22 10:35:53 EDT 2002

Charlie Smith wrote:

> Earlier Terry Trivett, disguised as Karen, wrote:
> >
> I'd leave I-70 in Indianappolis, heading NW on I-74 to  Rock Island
> where you will pick up I-80.  Take I-80 to western Nebraska where you'll
> take I-76 back down to Denver.  Get back on I-70 in Denver and go from
> there.

Also watch it on I-80 in Iowa.  Lots of troopers on the prowl, especially
between Des Moines and Omaha.  Speed limit here is only 65 so it makes for
an ideal speed trap when coming from 'faster' states.  If you do 10 over in
Iowa you have a good chance of getting nailed by one of the state's finest.


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