[s-cars] IA vs MTM
Kirby Smith
kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Sat Jun 22 17:29:04 EDT 2002
Although I prefer sockets, one could validly argue that reliability is
improved by soldering. As for using adhesive in addition to soldering
the pins, I suspect that is "belt and suspenders," for a board somewhat
isolated from suspension vibration.
Robert Pastore wrote:
> There is no flash tecnology in these the UR-s motronic (as there is in the
> new cars.) The chips physically need to be desoldered, erased &
> reprogrammed -- or just swapped out for others, and then resoldered to the
> board. Most tuners solder a socket to the ECU board, then the eprom just
> pressed into the socket. This makes subsequent chip swaps are quick and
> easy, and also keeps the soldering heat off of the chips. Ned solders the
> chips right back into the board (saving the $2x2 = $4) in sockets, and at
> least *USED TO* use some kind of epoxy or silicone caulk to glue the chip to
> the board. This is a huge PITA if you ever want to remove your chips and
> makes it very easy to damage your ECU if you try without the right tools.
> One of the two eproms used is rather rare and out of production, so I think
> Ned is smart to save them instead of giving them back where they will
> clutter your house, eventually to be thrown away by your wife when she
> clean the junk drawer.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris chambers [mailto:fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:26 AM
> To: Dave Forgie; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] IA vs MTM
> I do not know if Ned reprograms the chips on the
> board, or what. But I did ask him if our OEM chips
> could be returned to us with the ECU and he said no.
> He re-uses them to help keep costs down.
> Chris
> --- Dave Forgie <forgied at direct.ca> wrote:
> > S-gruppees: One other consideration for the IA vs
> > MTM vs Lehmann
> > debate: I believe Ned reprograms the original chips
> > on the ECU (i.e. he
> > does not add sockets and new chips). I believe the
> > others to supply
> > actual chips and add sockets. As a result, IF you
> > wanted to go back to
> > OEM chips after running the new software (why you
> > would do this, I don't
> > know), you could with the MTM or Lehmann. IA - I
> > don't know how that
> > could be done.
> >
> > Dave (chipless on the sidelines) Forgie
> >
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