[s-cars] shiftless in seattle

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Wed Jun 26 12:06:48 EDT 2002

OK, the subject means nothing.

Guys, can't we all just get along, re: the RS6 vs. ? thang?

In the FWIW dept., I too would be hard pressed to buy one.  I LIKE to row my
own gears.  Torque curve be DAMNED.  Don't care if SMGII shifts faster than
any human, etc.  I LIKE to match revs, I LIKE to heel-toe, I LIKE skipping
gears in traffic.  I LIKE IT!

If I wanted a car that "did it all for me", I'd buy a Buick.  What's next,
braking that takes over for you?  Adaptive cruise control?  Rain sensing
wipers?  Oh, wait, those days are here!  Eeegods.  If only my //S came with
a fart defuser...  ah, bliss...

Ignorant?  Maybe.  Happy?  Definitely!

-Paul "paddle your own canoe" Krasusky
'95 //S6 mit three pedals

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