[s-cars] RS6 vs. MX5V12 vs. Peugeot TD?

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Fri Jun 28 11:48:34 EDT 2002


<<<I believe the BMW truck driven round the ring in 8ish minutes had a V12
ine in it. By way of comparison, during development, the RS6 did 8,000 km r=
ound the Ring with 5 drivers per day lapping in 8:40. Going for it, the chi=
ef tester conceded that 8:10 was eminently do-able, on slicks the car would=
 be comfortably sub 8 minutes. By way of comparison the Ring Taxi is suppos=
ed to do 9 min laps, and that is quick, one highly experienced lister in a =
RS4 managed 10:30 after a few laps, so we are not talking dawdling here.>>>

You mean my 13:10 in a rental Peugeot 406 Turbo Diesel, mit wife in car, mit
camcorder, mit intermittent rain, isn't competitive then?  Heh heh heh...

All this talk about der Nordschleife makes me even MORE unproductive than my
normal S car dribble unproductiveness.  STOP IT!  I can only be paid to day
dream SO MUCH!  Or should I tell my boss it's all YOUR GUYS fault when the
poopie hits the fan?

-Paul itchin' for another trip to der 'Ring K.

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