[s-cars] RS6 vs M5

Randall Markarian asenna at accessus.net
Fri Jun 28 11:40:57 EDT 2002

On 6/28/02 10:26 AM, "Frederic L'Huillier" <flhuillier at siebel.com> wrote:

> Let's make it short:
> I don't care if the M5 is faster on one track than the RS6. What matter's to
> me is that:
> I believe my car is the best car anyway.
> I have the opportunity to meet and talk to other Audi fans.
> I trully enjoy driving my car at any time.
> I have fun on track with my car (beating up BMW is always the cherry on the
> cake, specially with the three baby seats on the back seat !!!).
> The only thing I remember from that entire discussion is that Frank drove
> the beast (and did not invite me !!!!) and he was really impress. Comments
> from Robin were also very interesting (as usual). The rest is not important.
> Regards,
> Frederic
My point exactly!  Well Said Frederic.


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