[s-cars] 1992 Bad Vacuum Servo?

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Fri Jun 28 12:04:24 EDT 2002

	Can anyone provide some more information on the vacuum servo issues with the early UrS4's?  URL to the Quattro Quarterly with this information?  Hard to install?



-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Clark [mailto:chadclark at qwest.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 5:05 PM
To: Cody Payne
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Buzzing Alarm Drivers Side Footwell?!

Exactly!!!!! Your findings of the window operating slowly are the tell tale
signs of the vacuum servo needing replacement. This servo unit controls the
central locking system and somehow has a connection to the windows and the
associated relays you hear clicking beneath the drivers kick panel. Yes, as
soon as you start the car, they go quiet as they become reset I think.

Anyway, if you'd like to search the archives for an old Quattro Quarterly
issue from around 1998-1999, there was a great article in there explaining
the issues with these faulty vacuum servos in the '92 S4 and '92 100 series
cars. As I stated before, there are plenty of used ones out there in bone
yards. I was told to just find one from a '95 or newer A6 or S6 as they have
the updated servos with different part numbers than the '92-'94 S4/100. Good


on 6/26/02 8:04 AM, Cody Payne at Cody.Payne at bconnected.com wrote:

> Hey Chad,
> Well they did it one night...but once I started up the car and turned it back
> off the relays and the alarm sound stopped.  The only thing I can tell is that
> noise was coming in the drivers footwell on the left handside.  And the
> drivers side window was partially up..when I tried to raise it without the car
> on it was almost like a near dead battery..moved very slow.
> Thoughts?
> Thx
> cp
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chad Clark [mailto:chadclark at qwest.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:16 PM
> To: Cody Payne
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Buzzing Alarm Drivers Side Footwell?!
> Cody.
> You may have the dreaded 'vacuum servo going bad' clicking noises by the
> relays. This is common in '92 S4's and requires the replacement of the
> vacuum servo unit under the rear seat by the battery. Are the relays
> actually clicking under the drivers kick panel? If so, I would guess that
> this is your problem. Let me know if you need any more help. I found a
> replacement for mine from a bone yard for about $150. It was a later model
> from a A6. Works great now.
> Chad Clark '92 S4
> ..on 6/24/02 9:24 PM, Cody Payne at Cody.Payne at bconnected.com wrote:
>> Ok..just got back from a short drive and I pull in the garage and turn off
>> the
>> car and remove the keys from the ignition.  Now I am hearing a buzz buzz buzz
>> alarm and what sounds like some of relays flipping on/off on the drivers side
>> footwell?  What the heck is this alarm sound?  It isn't very loud like if a
>> car alarm was going off (not that I have heard it on this car yet) but very
>> odd...
>> Please advise
>> Thanks
>> Cody Payne
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Cody Payne
Sr. Production Engineer
bConnected Software Inc.

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