[s-cars] Dings, Dents, and Values

Matthew Russell MatthewR at greenhosp.org
Wed May 1 16:35:12 EDT 2002

	Everyone -
	I just wanted to publicly thank those who responded to my cries the
other day.  One estimate has been done to the tune of $4k and i'm awaiting a
2nd from a body shop.  My insurance company is also sending out their own
adjuster, just in case.  So far, everyone agrees the car can be saved... so
hopefully things will pan out.

	Again, thanks for all the help.
	(Pram, Taka, Fred, Bill, Keith, Paul, Bill, Bruce, Steve, and Bill
M, and anyone I've forgotten... )

	92 s4 - bruised & scratched, but still running.

> Yeah, yeah. :-)
> I'm vindictive against idiots ever since the time I had a car
> change lanes right into me when I was riding my bike right alongside
> the car, right by the front window.
> Taka

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