[s-cars] Hey fellas, wouldya help a guy out??

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Wed May 1 21:36:41 EDT 2002

Salinas212 at aol.com wrote:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Someone's asking about my S4 here. Don't get dummy-up on me now... tellim
> what you know (please?). My car's no stranger here and this guys stuck in PA
> and I'm in Denver and you guys would be an excellent source for unbiased
> info. Put yourself in his shoes. Buying a $20k+ car sight-unseen cant be a
> comfy situation to be in. Here is a great resource for him to pick up some
> objective info from someone besides me... the seller. That way he'll blame
> you instead of me when it grenades 90 miles outside of Denver. Seriously,
> please help him if you can.

OK, here is my take on Mance's car....

The car was used within the ranks of the CO-S-CAR Mafia, therefore it was
required to be faster than the local law.   You know, escape vehicles must be
quick....  there was only the one little crash incident when Mance managed to
derail a large freight train using the car.  The damage was buffed out without
any problems.   ;-)

OK OK OK.... on a serious note, Mance's car is REEEEEEEAL nice.  In fact, I
can't for the life of me figure out why he would want to sell it.  As Mance
said, the car placed very high in the ranks during the concours judging at the
S-CAR Nationals in Colorado last year.  I can confirm that!  Assuming he has
kept the car up since I saw it last I don't think you'd have any surprises or
gotchas when buying the car sight unseen.  It is one of the "hot S-Cars" amongst
the close knit S-Car family as far as I am concerned....

Contact me off list and I will tell ya what we found in the trunk at the Nats
last year.   ;-)
(Oh relax, just some Zymol and a spare tire!  Sheesh!)

'93 S4
'90 CQ
'86 XR4ti

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