[s-cars] Airbag light help?

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Sat May 4 02:21:56 EDT 2002

At 11:59 AM 5/3/2002 -0600, Jacobson, Steven F (Steve) wrote:

>malfunction, and I couldn't. I did have the ignition switch on when the
>airbag was out to test the new bulbs.

This was the problem.  The new (post-recall) airbag controller is
OBD-compliant.  When powered up (like ignition on with airbag out to test
the bulbs), it tests all circuits for proper responses, and if something
isn't right, it stores a code which in turn illuminates the airbag
light.    I've encountered this issue with my '91 200q.

>I just talked to the dealer (Stammler in Boulder) who said it needs to be
>reset with the "computer". Does anybody know how I can do this myself?

As noted, Uwe Ross's VAG-COM software/hardware package ($200) will do the
trick.  Note, unlike the newer cars where there is a common bus for all
diagnostic computers to communicate with the software, these earlier
systems had separate connectors for the airbag controllers.

*  Linus Toy                      Insanity is doing the same thing   *
*  Mercer Island, WA              you've always done and expecting   *
*  linust at mindspring.com          different results                  *
*                                      - Roger Milliken              *

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