[s-cars] HTRZ-II's; flat-spotting??

Chad Clark chadclark at qwest.net
Thu May 9 18:24:29 EDT 2002

Steve and others,

 FWIW, my Dunlop Sport 5000 sized 235/45/17 do flat spot ever-so-slightly if
I don't drive the car every day. However, they always smooth out after a 2
mile ride. This has been confirmed by trying three different sets of
wheels/tires over the same section of road and the same miles traveled in
the last 2 years. Weird but definitely tolerable. I had Discount
Tire rebalance and remount them just to make sure it wasn't a wheel weight
issue. They are always liquid smooth on the highway. My snow tires have
never done this and neither did the Dunlop Sport 4000 I had before these.

Chad Clark

on 5/9/02 11:31 AM, Steve Marinello at smarinello at telocity.com wrote:

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> To all of you vocal proponets of the Sumitomo HTRZ-II's, I need your adice and
> opinions.
> I mounted my new Sumi's, 245-40-17's on O.Z. Superleggera's, about eleven days
> ago.  The initial post-mounting drive was a pleasure.  The tires seemed to
> "feel" more of the imperfections than the 225/45 SP 9000's previously on the
> car, but all sounds were more muffled and the bigger ones were felt less.
> Smoother overall was my verdict.  Drove the car maybe five miles on a two lane
> with somewhat rippled new asphalt and maybe 12 miles on I12's reasonably good
> asphalt.
> The car sat in the garage for  two days.  The temp did not get below maybe
> 71F; highs near 90F.  Pull out of the neighborhood and accelerate to about 45
> mph and the car starts to shake itself apart.  Felt like I had square tires.
> By the time I'd gone maybe 1.5 miles, things had smoothed out.  I happened to
> be making the same basic trip as the first run and I made it again the next
> day with the same results.  Both times it smoothed out and ran smooth on the
> interstate.
> After sitting overnight again, I headed out across the bridge into New Orleans
> with virtually the same result.  Very annoying.  Maybe 60+ miles round trip
> that time, but only the first two or three rough.  Then this past Sunday,
> after sitting a couple of days, I got virtually the same again as I headed to
> the airport for a business trip.  When I returned yesterday after the car had
> sat for three days in the covered parking structure, same basic temps, as the
> thermometer read 83F when I got in the car about 7 p.m., I had the worst ride
> experience of  my life.  The car was shaking twice as badly as before and it
> took five or six mile to get to tolerable and maybe close to 20 to get
> smoothed out.  I'm gonig to get in touch with Tire Rack today, but I wanted
> some input from you guys first.  Any remotely similar experiences/redress or
> anything?   I was really looking forward to getting this setup, but it is
> really unacceptable as it now stands.
> All help and comments will be appreciated.
> What is it with this car?!
> TIA,
> Steve
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