[s-cars] Winkies

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sun May 12 21:23:10 EDT 2002

mlp writes:

> Winkie???  Humph, I wager dollars to doughnuts if WMB M series cars have
> this feature it isn't activate by a "Winkie!"

Um, actually, my perusal of the Letters to the Editor section of the BMW
Roundel Magazine, and an occasional visit to the parts dept of a joint
BMW/Porsche dealer would suggest that "winkie" is the right word.

Many, if not most of the letters written in to Roundel are simply to either
whine about how their dealer treats them, or how well a specific sales
person took care of them...by not charging them over list.

Not a whole lot of talk about driving going on...and a lot of winkies
getting pulled.


'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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