[s-cars] P/S flushing procedure

Richard Beels beels at technologist.com
Sun May 12 19:16:52 EDT 2002

I have this in my archives...

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:11:24
To: <quattro at coimbra.ans.net>
From: Mike Arman <armanmik at n-jcenter.com>
Subject: Subject: Best way to flush mineral oil

Weeelllll . . . I *could* say you never need to change the pentosin because
the damn stuff leaks out so fast that topping it off insures that you have
fresh fluid in the system at ALL times . . . and now as punishment for that
wisecrack my "lifetime g'tee" water pump needs another lifetime - R&R

Also, don't take out the banjo bolts to clean them - there's nothing there
- it is just a hollow bolt - and you'll HAVE to replace the crush rings.
(One banjo bolt has a filter in it - wire mesh, takes out rocks, etc.)

The pentosin reservoir does have a sleeve which can be withdrawn from the
top and then cleaned - lots of black glop settles in it - probably rack and
bomb $eal$ $elf-de$tructing.

I'd drain the reservoir, disconnect the return line at the back of the
bomb, clean everything accessable, put it back together, refill and bleed
per Bentley: Jack up front of car, engine not running, turn steering wheel
lock to lock 2 or 3 times quickly, top off reservoir, start engine, repeat
lock to lock, top off reservoir and you're done.

You'll need two bottles of Pentosin.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

At 13:55 05/12/2002, Shakespearean monkeys danced on KBATTPO's keyboard and
>I am missing the P/S flushing procedure in my archives. I think it was
>originally written by Fred. Can somebody please resend it.
>Also, where do you get your Oetiker clamps? Or do you use the Audi
>factory clamps instead?
>Thx much.


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