[s-cars] Cat light on the dashboard is on and the engine doesn't run prope rly

Russ Panneton russ at s-cars.org
Mon May 13 12:54:31 EDT 2002

On Mon, 13 May 2002 13:18:49 -0400, you wrote:

>That does not sound good at all.  Cat light only comes on when the cats are
>overheating, presumably from an overly lean mixture.  If you're lucky, only
>a faulty sensor is to blame, but I believe that if an oxygen sensor goes bad
>you would be more apt to have an overly rich mixture.  Check your catalysts.
>They may well be plugged up --worst case is you got those catalysts so hot
>they melted.  In either of these instances they would need to be replaced.

I believe it's a rich mixture that overheats the cats -- too much air with
little to burn doesn't generate any heat.  A melted cat can probably plug the
exhaust pretty well...

Russ Panneton                          russ at s-cars.org
Nederland, CO              "Too bad ignorance isn't painful"

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