[s-cars] belly pan?

Calvin & Diana Craig calvinlc at earthlink.net
Sat May 18 13:41:58 EDT 2002

I have taken mine off and left it off because it is such a pain in the butt.
Doesn't affect any temps, oil or coolant, and I would guess way over 90% of
all cars ever manufactured came without something of this nature and they
get along just fine.  On top of that it tends to conceal any leaks you may
--Calvin Craig
Parker, CO
'92 S4
'91 200 TQ
'89 200 TQW
'72 Formula Firebird

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Wayne Dohnal
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 11:24 AM
To: S-car list; oneils at lcsys.net
Subject: [s-cars] belly pan?


When I got my S-car last December it too was missing the belly pan.  I
eventually learned that it's pretty common for them to be gone and a lot of
people drive without them.  I finally got one from the dealer for about $160
and about another $30 for the fasteners.  I find it a big pain to put it on.
It must be a talent I just don't have because other listers have an easier
time with it.  Your next big surprize might be when you go to pull the oil
drain plug, as they have a nasty habit of being seized to the pan.  I
suggest you don't even try to take it out without a 6-point wrench.  Using a
12-point wrench gives a high probability of rounding it off.  Another thing
to check is the after-run coolant pump.  Most of them seem to be inoperative
and/or leaky after they a a few years old.

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4

>Picked up my 95 s6 and noticed there's no belly pan. Do I need this
replaced ASAP? If so, where can I get one. Any Audi boneyards out there?

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