[s-cars] Re: MTM bypass valve

Steve Marinello smarinello at telocity.com
Sat May 25 16:58:40 EDT 2002

Thanks Serge.

Available for $21.81 at thepartsbin.com upon entering the Bosch number
provided, which yields their catalog number of C3070-41431.  This is
supposed to be a Porsche number.  And, what I could chase down for a Saab
9-5 Turbo V6, which would be the Viggen, too...probably.....I found the same

Enter the -710A Audi number or the -108 corresponding Bosch number and you
get a different part, C4086-84603 that runs $29.08.

Inputting the "N"suffix , which is also supposed to be the -114 Bosch
number, doesn't turn up an available part.

Also note that, at the link Jim provided,


the tester could find no difference between the -114 and -110 valves, but
I'm not sure the differences would necessarily have been apparent as tested.

Hoppen does not state the Bosch number, only the Audi "old": model numbers,
the -710A and 710N.

To complicate things further, the valve offered by Paragon with the Porsche
number PP993.110.337.50, I guess superceding the 951 number that would be
for the 944 turbo they are offering it for, yields another valve, catalog
number C4086-12947, which goes for $18.94.

Anybody got a good 996 number to try???  Pram?  Frank?

Doesn't really matter to me at this point.  I'm going to order the -110
valve as soon as I fiugre what else I need so that I can get thepartsbin
free shipping (orders over $50).  If I get another one in the near future,
be it the HyperBoost or the Turbo X-S all metal or the Turbo Sport, I will
have only tossed $22 for this one.

BTW, Zygmunt also has the -110 for a bit more, $24.79, and lists the retail
price at $39.66.  thepartsbin doesn't have a retail price listed for the
valve as the Bosch part, but says the list is $65 for the Saab.

Are things any clearer now?  We still don't know what's really "different"
about the -110.  Anyone with good Bosch connections?



> I have the Hoppen/Bosch valve on the car, the original Bosch packaging has
> the following part # 0 280 142 110
> Serge Filanovsky
> 95 S6 Avant
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