[s-cars] 2002 S-CAR Nationals... register NOW

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Tue May 28 22:32:33 EDT 2002

Greetings S-CAR fanatics,

I've been a little low profile lately as I've had a lot going on the
last few weeks.  Everything from a car overhaul/upgrade to the Nationals
event planning to some new employment prospects.

I'm very happy to announce that registration for the 2002 S-CAR
Nationals event in Minneapolis, Minnesota is now OPEN.  I am including
the general event schedule below.  Please keep an eye on the event web
site at http://www.s-cars.org/nationals for all of the latest event
information and/or registration information.

2002 S-CAR Nationals Event Schedule

Friday, August 30th
6:00 PM - Event kicks off at the magnificent new Carousel Audi
dealership in Minneapolis.  A buffet is planned and it is hoped that the
new RS6 sedan will be available for viewing. There may be a  special
guest appearance by Len Hunt (Audi of America) at the Friday evening
event as well, but it has not yet been confirmed.
Pick up your official event information packets at the door.

Saturday, August 31st
8:00 AM -  Concours car show with awards
12:00 PM - Tech event at Anderson Motorsport in Chanhassen
6:00 PM  - Event Grand Banquet gets underway.  Raffle items, door
prizes, concours results/awards and prizes, plus a special event guest

Sunday, September 1st
9:30 AM  -  Track event in St. Cloud, MN.  Event is limited to only 40
drivers and you MUST have previous track experience.  If you wish to
participate, be sure to register as soon as possible by clicking here.
9:30 AM  -  Alternate activities include Mystic Lake Casino and/or Mall
of America
More details pending...

Monday, September 2nd
9:30 AM  -  Scenic Mississippi river drive to a lunch spot.
3:00 PM  -  Event concludes.  We'll see you next year in a new location!

Register NOW or you may find the event full.  With the positive reviews
from last year's event I'm expecting some growth this year.  Our track
event is open to 40 drivers and the current 'grand banquet' evening is
limited to 130 enthusiasts and family members.  I *do* encourage
everyone to bring the entire family!
New for this year is the online registration via PayPal.  If you should
happen to choose the PayPal method you'll be contacted via e-mail within
2 days to confirm your event registration.  If you wish to register via
mail, please check the official Nationals event web site first for a
downloadable form (should be online soon) or email us at
nationals at s-cars.org .

As Jimmy Pribble said at the first annual Nationals event in Colorado,
"It isn't about the cars, it is about the people."   Come join us for
the quintessential S-CAR fanatic weekend of the year.  Sign up now....
I'll see everyone in Minneapolis!  :-)



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