[s-cars] Avant for sale and learning to drive

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Thu May 30 10:41:51 EDT 2002

Morning all-

1st:  My wholesaler just told me he picked up a beautiful 95.5 Avant, here
in sunny CT (yeah, RIGHT!).  Silver / black, 66k, I think one owner, dealer
serviced with all records, new Pilots.  It's supposed to be a very nice car,
but I haven't seen it yet.  I think he's looking for somewhere around
$22.5-23k.  No affiliation, other than I know him and bought my car from
him, etc., yadayadayada.

2nd:  As far as learning to drive, etc.  I was one of them poor bastards
relegated to a '79 Volvo 242, 4 spd in highschool.  Parents were smart, it
100% saved my life.  But then I replaced it with an '80 242GT, oh, the
screamer that it was (um, no).  What a way to learn, just as Taka and others
mentioned.  Benign handling, no power, safe as a brick house and heavy as
one too.  But that was short lived, IPD came along and offered all the
goodies, "Safety Sway Bars" (nice marketing, the f'n things were 1" thick
with poly bushings!), springs, bilsteins, Group 6 cam (barely streetable),
exhaust, etc.  Made for QUITE the autocross HOAR.  Speaking of autox, IMO,
that is hands down the best way to learn performance driving, even more
importantly, how to learn your car.  Well, that and going to a snowy parking
lot (sans light poles of course) and 'practicing'.  Oddly enough, my pop
used to take us there when we were very young, and showed us what to do.
Now that I'm older I know why and appreciate every second of it!

3rd:  Hey Ray T., I deleted your email and I need to email you / call you
this a.m., I cannot get ahold of "delivery boy" for them hoses!  Help!

4th:  Drive it like you stole it.  Sorry, couldn't resist...

Paul Krasusky
Business Development Officer
First International Bank

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