[s-cars] Wife's not chubby ...The (S6) seat belt's stubby.

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Fri Nov 1 09:09:53 EST 2002

Earlier, Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:
> Must've been post-luau gas, Hap.
> Joe, drinking a double espresso with a shot of extra
> virgin (like your daughter!) olive oil at work, Pizzo

Ahh espresso.

For those of you that have trouble getting a consistent cup
I highly recommend the "Nespresso" capsule system.  I've got
a Krupps type 554A automatic machine, and it will turn out
a perfect cup of Ristretto in about 30 seconds.


I've never tried that with a shot of extra virgin olive oil,
and somehow, that's a scary thought!

    - Charlie

Lister Franco Barber will second this recommendation!

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