[s-cars] Coffee stuff

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Fri Nov 1 10:07:03 EST 2002

Earlier, Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:
> Charlie,
> Just joking about the olive oil, but back to coffee.

I wondered!  Franco carry's on about extra virgin olive oil
applied to fresh (new) Mozzarella di Bufala. (I think that's right).
I get the mozzarella frequently, and he says if I want to spend lots
of money to try balsamic vinegar like Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale
di Modena.  :-/

> I find the best combo is a Krups machine, whether old
> fashioned or the quicker, steam machine they have now
> (got a black one at the office and a white one at
> home) coupled with either Illy or LavAzza coffee.

I had a good Krups machine that used ground coffee, and it was
very good (should have kept it).  I used Segafredo and Illy coffee
mostly, and as long as I used exactly the same amount of coffee and
pressed it exactly the same way, then each cup would come out just

With the capsule machine, which is microprocessor controlled
to measure the water, it is very consistent.  I think it's a
hot water machine, with a metal block to have the water hot,
and then a pressure pump pushes it through the coffee.

If you are through Columbus Ohio, I'd be glad to demonstrate!

> These are the two best ones that you can get over
> here.  Starbucks is nothing but watered down shit in a
> cup served with contemporary jazz, but I digress.

I agree completely!

> There is still no better coffee than that made in an
> old fashioned 2 level espresso caraffe (If that's what
> it's called).  Good stuff.

Yes.  I've got one of the old aluminum ones around here somewhere.

> Anyway, if Keith's tracking this, the Krups model that
> I have (pressure, not heat, so quicker brew) is a 968.
>  Personally, I think he should mount it in dash, but
> that's just me.

Umm.   That's an idea.  But, then it would mean removal of other
stuff like the boost pressure gauge and the Valentine 1 readout unit.

    - Charlie

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