[s-cars] Toluene....and other bargains

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Sat Nov 2 00:14:44 EST 2002


Don't you think you're being a bit of an alarmist?  Both Toluene and Xylene
are major components of pump gasoline, especially for
high-grade/high-octane fuels.  See
better yet, see Mobil's MSDS on unleaded fuel:
where it notes both Toluene (5%) and Xylene (10%) as components

Also, go google for the gasoline faq--a notation in part 2 that aromatics
(both toluene and xylene are) are typically < 25% in the US, but as much as
50% in some countries.  hmmm...

Perhaps something else is pushing your motor to the edge to consume O2 sensors?


At 08:11 PM 11/1/2002 , S4audinut at aol.com wrote:
> >
>Please realize that extended use of Toluene or the really good stuff Xylene
>will in my extensive experience accelerate oxygen sensor failure. Xylene will
>make your balls fall off ( if you are a man that is, insert appropriate
>genetalia if not) and Toluene is not known to prolong life either. I know I
>have touted the use of both, but maybe I havent told you about the oxy sensor
>failures only good for about 50 gallons of either before it seems to flake
>out, it can cause a rich condition as well because the ECU dont know chit
>about 100 octaine juice and wont know to lean to to get best burn. I use
>bicep length gloves and a very manly chest apron ( its a babe magnet - Johnny
>Bravo) both made of nitrile with a full face shield when I put in a bit and
>use a very long and also use a good funnel cause you dont want to get this
>stuff on your paint unless you have always wondered what bare galvanized
>metal looks like. If you ever spill a bunch of the Xylene for sure or
>probably the Toluene on your self GO SEE A DOCTOR, and dont smoke= a
>cigarette will usually not set off Gasoline, but dont bet your life it wont
>ignite these aromatics. Use it but do it with caution.
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*  Linus Toy                      Insanity is doing the same thing   *
*  Mercer Island, WA              you've always done and expecting   *
*  linust at mindspring.com          different results                  *
*                                      - Roger Milliken              *

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