[s-cars] Squeaky car

t44tq at mindspring.com t44tq at mindspring.com
Sun Nov 3 20:07:55 EST 2002

Just remember, if you brake too hard too late, you've
put all of the weight onto the front wheels, making the
back end very light. On a tight turn, this will make the
car prone to tail-happy antics and basically seriously
unbalances the car.

Brake smoothly and squeeze to max braking, get all of that
done before turning in. :-)

I have no idea what happened- we were totally screwed up in
that drive- took a long lunch break at McD right near West
Point, drove up the hill up 218, got on 9W and the Taconic
to FDR Park, no one was there.

On the way out, I was going north on the Taconic, saw you guys
heading south. I was the idiot flashing my brights at all of
the Audis.

Peekskill Hollow Road? I don't like that road- my navigator
didn't tell me there was a stop sign at the end of the road
and I nearly went straight at a T-intersection at 60mph in the
dark. Thank God for BIRA brakes. :-O


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