[s-cars] Yes, even more urq photos...

Thompson Smith carreragt at rennlist.com
Mon Nov 4 23:29:31 EST 2002

Yes, I stayed off the Spaten Octoberfest tonight (well, one Boddington
draught pub ale) and managed to get some more photos up. Imagine that. Sorry
for the other link confusions of past.

- urq air box modification
- post SCCA RallyCross images
- full 19.2MB QuickTime SCCA RallyCross one lap movie


Broadboand users rejoice in the full one lap QT movie :^) This is by no
means as much fun as Frank and the boys had in the RS6 (by the looks of the
movies at least - HOLY SH*T!!! - hey Darin where's the full movie
download???), but this is the best entertainment that I can provide from my
ol WX 10'er urq.


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