[s-cars] Diagnose this sound

J. Khang jhlk99 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 5 08:39:50 EST 2002

Drove back last night after a 3 hour round-trip to the
airport and idled the S6 for a minute before switching
the engine off.

Whilst fiddling with the CD player, I hear this very
quiet, low pulsating sound coming from the engine bay
through the firewall. Curiousity aroused, I popped the
bonnet and started hunting for the sound but failed to
locate it precisely.

It seemed to come from somewhere near the firewall
under the plastic cover at the back of the engine bay.
The pulsating sound is in sync with the sound of
coolant within the engine block.

Is this the afterrun coolant pump?

'96 S6

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