[s-cars] mileage

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Wed Nov 6 09:51:59 EST 2002

Serge hypothesized:

 In my 84 GTI, I used to keep a close eye on the gas
> >mileage as an indicator to possible engine problems. I miss being able to
> >do
> >this with the S6 due to the crazy fuel gauge syndrome. Keep us posted on
> >your progress.
> >
> >
> >Serge Filanovsky
> >
> >95 S6 Avant

Ah, good, now I can finally admit that I track, er, every tank.  Know what
you're saying Serge, great way to detect a problem.

MTM 1+, Stebro, new O2 (well, on workbench at least), WOT shifts around
town, WOT highway commutes to work, I consistently average about 17.  Saw as
high as 22-23 long highway trip with Wife (read: speed limits mostly obeyed,
cruise on...  well, until I passed a Lotus Elise in upstate VT!  So cool).
Seen as low as 15 being a total idiot (not far from normal), er, and topped
her off with, um, 19.7 gallons (hey, isn't that more than capacity?

Teddy, you saw 26???  What, was that off a cliff, with a tailwind?  Are you
87 with Florida tags? 8-).


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