[s-cars] In Other News...

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Wed Nov 6 10:49:18 EST 2002

Earlier, Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:
> Guys,
> Out of pure curiosity and for bragging rights more
> than anything else, I did some "testing" last night on
> my top secret proving grounds.


> Me: MTM 1+, Stromung sans cat, WG turned down 1 turn,
> not 6.
> Him: APR Stage II (APR Chip w/Brullen catback exhaust)
> We did a pull from 3300 RPM's in 3rd up to about 110.
> We were dead assed even all the way to 110.  Not an
> inch, nothing.  If it wasn't for the background and
> the road, you'd think we were parked.  I wanted to see
> who pulled on the top end, but he wussed out.
> We're both at sea level, approximately and he was
> shocked.  ;-)

Ummmm.  So Joe, you were doing this run in WV against Rod?
I understood Rod had more stuff changed on his car than
just an APR Stage II.

If you'd keep your fingers off the high tension spark plug
parts, you wouldn't be shocked so often.  Or don't use dielectric
grease on your fingers maybe.

> Nope, they're not as fast as you may think they are,
> and I'm going to dyno my car sometime in the near
> future as a local 4 wheel is accessible...anyone in
> for a group buy?

A group buy of what?  Wild stories?
We seem to have an ample supply as best I can see.

    - Charlie

I'm going to be in Paris for the next two weeks.   Which means
I probably won't have as much time to keep up with these wild

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