[s-cars] ECS brakes warning

jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com
Wed Nov 6 11:08:32 EST 2002

Just a warning to anyone who orders an ECS BigBrake Kit - make sure that
you have the correct pieces BEFORE you take your car apart.  While
everything looked good to me according to the labels on the sealed
Porsche boxes that arrived, it turned out that whoever puts Tom's hats
on can't tell the difference between left and right and repackaged a
bunch of right-side disks into left-side cartons.  He says this has
happened before and sent me a new correct left one, but it is still a
pain to have to send the old one back and then bug them about the credit
- They received it Monday, I have sent 2 emails and finally called and
Colleen told me "Oh yeah, I think I can open that box today and then I
will credit you."  Whatever, jsut a little annoyed.
Jim K.

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