[s-cars] ECS brakes warning

jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com
Wed Nov 6 16:09:04 EST 2002

I do not know, but it is interesting.  It could be a coincidence, what I mean
is if people are bugging BIRA to come up with something for their particular
model, chances are that other people are bugging ECS about the same thing.
However, I was under the impression that in theory a BIRA solution should be
cheaper than an ECS solution, seeing as how with BIRA you source all of the
components yourself, rather than paying an additional markup (although surely
I pay more for two calipers at my favorite Porsche delaer than ECS does when
they buy 20 at a time).  So if this is true, it really doesn't matter.  When
I looked for my BigReds, I did the math and found that I could get an
equivalent to ECS Stage 3 for $250 less.  Until Sierra Motorsport got out of
the rotorhat business, that is.  Then ECS had their GP and I jumped on it.
Also, BIRA is pretty explicit about stating that they are not in it to make a
profit, so it shouldn't really be any skin off their nose.  But yes, I
concede  that I would be annoyed too if I were the person at BIRA that did a
lot of work.
Jim K.

Theodore Chen wrote:

> jim,
> isn't ECS the one that's been ripping off the BIRA designs?  some
> listers have observed that shortly after BIRA comes up with a design,
> ECS releases something similar.
> -teddy

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