[s-cars] "rant"?

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Mon Nov 11 08:28:40 EST 2002

Andrew "ranted"...

From: <fast928 at prodigy.net>
Subject: Re: [V6-12v] Re: [A4] RE: [s-cars] Antifreeze ? Anything enique?
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 17:07:37 -0600


WOW.  This is so SAD.  How hard can it be to figure out??

Look at your frick'n car for once.  It tells you directly where you add the=
 coolant.  You can't miss it.

 I guess this just goes to show that nothing is foolproof!!


Andrew Lundy
fast928 at prodigy.net
99 A6q
90 CQ

90 80q - R.I.P.

Lighten up, Clarence...

And I guess this rant "just goes to show that nothing is" listproof.  Say,
Andrew, wrong list you're on today?  No, not b/c you don't have an //S car
(though, hmmmm..., na, I won't bother).

We'll all be sure to jump right in and help next time you ask the obvious...
oh, that won't happen I'm sure...

-Paul "So Sad" K.

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