[s-cars] RE: Congrats Paul K..'95 //S6, '58 TR3A, '02 Son !

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Mon Nov 18 08:45:24 EST 2002

Randy busted:

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Lewis [mailto:rwzlewis at sasktel.net]
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 8:05 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Cc: Paul Krasusky
Subject: Congrats Paul K..'95 //S6, '58 TR3A, '02 Son !

Congratulations Paul,

The only exhaust mods you'll be doing for a while is one poopy one for a
clean one !!

Go out an hug your cars, your life as you know it is over !!!  Just kidding

Take care and hope all is well with your wife and son,


Regina, Sask
96//SSex ( see.... you're thinking about it already!!)


BAHahahaahaa...   d'oh for me!  Exhaust mods?  I WISH!!!  Crikies!  This kid
DEFINITELY takes after dad.  I thought my S-cats sometimes smelled like
rotten eggs, he's got it beat hands down.  And LOUD!  Yikes.  Think Pampers
makes a heat shield?

//Ssex?  Hmmm...  note to self...  fornication apparently DOES induce labor

Thanks Randy.

-Paul soon to be looking for Saskatchewansized snow suit for the kid K.

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