[s-cars] RE: [BIRA] S6-S6 pad survey

t44tq at mindspring.com t44tq at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 20 20:42:18 EST 2002

While I agree with Lee on the Hawk HPS, I disagree with him
on the Mintex Red Box- they are an OEM replacement pad, very
low dust and quiet.

I think the Mintex are not well suited to BIRA members simply
because it seems like you all brake really hard on the street!


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Levitt [mailto:lee at wheelman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:21 AM
To: Chris Tucker; L - BIRA; S-Cars
Subject: RE: [BIRA] S6-S6 pad survey

Chris writes:

> I'm asking S6-S6ers for their experience with what street pads they
> have tried, what noise problems they have encountered, how dusty they
> are, and cost of the pads.
> As I'm sure many of you are aware, prices for 996 turbo calipers and
> pads have increased.  I was recently quoted $248 for a set up OEM
> pads.  This price is at dealer cost + 15% for handling and is quite a
> bit more them I remember them being a year ago. Alternative pads I am
> considering are Pagid Sports, Hawk HPS and Mintex Red box.  996 turbo
> calipers are up $60 from previous prices.
> TIA for info you can help out with.

Mintex Reds

I started with Mintex Reds. Glazed them and melted a rear pad in a
series of high speed stops...not a pad you'd want to run on the track.
Kinda noisy, and the more I did (adding Porsche dampers) the worse they

A bit dusty, stops pretty well.

Hawk HPS

I recently switched over to the Hawk HPS. A bit noisy at first, went
away after I bedded them. Not particularly dusty, stops very well.

I'd go with the Hawks over the Mintex Reds... Tirerack.com has them at a
reasonable price for both front (Porsche) and rear (Audi). Didn't even
question the mix when I ordered the pads via the web.


'95.5 S6 avant (System 3)
'96 A6 quattro avant

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